Wednesday, June 29, 2011

29 June 2011

Last night I made a tomato and meatball risotto! It was the first risotto I've ever made, well, Zane helped me a little bit half way through. It was pretty good, and Zane loved it!! He took some for lunch at work, and then called me after he finished it to tell me it was awesome (even though he already told me last night) he is so cute <3 I don't know what to cook him tonight...
Beanies - the lazy cure for bad hair!
I need a computer chair... And desk... But I seen this chair on (weird site I look through) and that is such an AWESOME idea!!! I love it, and I want it!

Fake grass covered chair!

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

28 June 2011

Today I went looking for a job, in the city, handed out a few resumes', but not many. I'll find one soon enough, I guess/hope! I straightened my hair before I left this morning, but it was raining :/
Before I left the house
What hair looked like when I got home
I got a new cook book when I was at the supermarket today, I'm going to start learning some new recipes and stuff :)
And a random picture I found today, an awesome mix of two of my favourite things 
*Image found on*

Thursday, June 23, 2011

24 June 2011

Well this was a day for new experiences
So, I've officially moved in with my man :) and let me tell you, we know how to trash our room O_O it's so messy in here hahaha clothes EVERYWHERE!
My hair's getting pretty long, and it sorta looks like I have extension O_o (I don't by the way)
Other news/events, I fainted for the first time ever today! I guess it's not really a huge event, but it was a first. Everything went fuzzy and I couldn't see anything, usually I'll sit down at this point when I feel like this, but today I thought it would just pass. I was at a friend's house, and he was showing me a pez dispenser (it was a Star Wars one, so it was awesome! And I want one!) but I couldn't even tell what it was my vision was so blurred.

And then apparently (I do not remember any of this) I said I was tired and fell backwards into the coffee table (spilling coffee everywhere), smacking the back of my head on the fireplace mantle piece, and then falling on the floor... 

The next thing I remember, Yagan was really, really concerned, helping me up and asking if I was ok! And I'm pretty sure my response was something like "Ummm, yeah, What happened? Why wouldn't I be ok?"
Then he told me what happened, said I hit my head really hard and he looked very worried. 

I think I might have had a slight concussion :/ I was completely spaced out after, I couldn't form real thoughts or proper sentences for a little while... This has never happened to me before, so I don't know if that feeling is normal? Hahaha

Monday, June 13, 2011

13 June 2011

Well I have some news today! 
I'm (officially) moving into my boyfriends house... With him and his house-mates... It's gonna be me and four guys! It won't be too bad though, I get along with the other guys, and me and my man usually hang out in his (our!) room. 
I never thought this day would come, that I would leave my parents house.
I'm looking forward to it, aside from the fact that there is no-where for Charlie to live, so he has to stay with Mum.

(Last "dear diary" post picture taken in "my" room)
It is sooo cold right now, calls for a dressing gown!
More news, I dyed my hair a darker, browner colour, which I like but I missed so much at the back! And I went shopping the other day!!! I got some new underwear, a lace (kinda, on the outside layer) trench coat, a pencil skirt (a 'proper' one, that fits like a glove!) and my man brought me some toe socks (he thinks they are cute, giggle giggle). 
No photos though, still haven't found that damn battery charger!

And now for a random picture to un-boring the post!!!
I love random Star Wars pictures like this, makes me giggle! 
Also, since this is a diary-type-entry-post, the other day Zane and I went out for lunch and then went to the cinemas. We were going to see the new X-men movie, but it started later than we anticipated, so we seen the Hangover 2 instead :P Wasn't too bad, but it was expected, if you know what I mean.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011


First post of June! Wow, pretty much half way through the year already! I'd say I'm pretty happy with this year so far. Apart from the whole unemployed thing, and having such a sweet tooth isn't doing too well for me at the moment :*( Hurts so bad right now
Because I was up all night last night, I had the laziest day ever today. Just laid on the couch and watched Lost in Translation, Titanic and a episodes of Jersylicious, haha
I haven't worn this T-shirt in agers! 
I just wanted to add this picture to this post, cause it's cute, and I love Minnie, and I need a nurse right now, haha... Not that I really needed a better reason than cute!
*Image found on Tumblr