Thursday, June 20, 2013


Ok, so it has been hectic-ish lately!
First up, Zane and I finally moved into our own house, so we've been really busy setting that up with what little furniture we have. It's getting there!

Once we moved in, Louie kept running away, he tore down walls, chewed through trees, he kept finding a way out of the yard and we felt bad locking him in the laundry all day. That and he obviously has really bad separation anxiety that causes him to destroy!

So, we got him a friend! Meet Jack, the latest member to the family, little jack russell x chihuahua. Very gorgeous, very playful and a very good match for Louie! They are brothers now, they play all day together and love each other :)

Secondly, my contract at work is almost up and I've applied for 40+ jobs in the last two weeks, heard back from one (had an interview, AND a trial, but alas, no job!) and it's starting to stress me a little that I won't be able to find one before the month is over.

I really need something part-time so I can work on getting this damn license! And work on my course, which I've barely even started! (No deadlines means procrastinate whenever I have time I should be using more productively... Like now...)

That's all I can think of now, gotta go fix myself up, going out for dinner! :)


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